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Supreme Commander (SC)
SC hails from the Philippines, particularly the “Upper East Side” (Antipolo) but is currently working in Ortigas. He trains and joins Spartan races and other obstacle runs. If he’s not working (or working out), he plays the guitar and trades stocks. He strives to be the “very best no one ever was” and believes that if you want the prize, you have to pay the price. He still dreams of becoming a billionaire one day and eventually, Batman.
Tiger Mom (TM)
Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla is a journalism graduate from the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines. She wrote Bedroom Blog by Veronica, a relationship blog for Cosmopolitan Philippines from 2009 to 2011, which covers most of her single dating life. In 2015, she published her first book Before I Do. She’s passionate about coffee, red wine, books and Mad Men. She stopped collecting hearts when she got married in 2013 and went back to collecting Archie Comics ever since. She's a self-proclaimed 'Tiger Mom" because she's from UST.