[TM] Expected Due Date...Halloween!

by - June 12, 2017

Dear Peanut,

According to Dr.AZ and other online due date calculators, I will give birth to you either on October 31 or November 1 this 2017.

When we first found out that our due date will coincide with either Halloween or All Saints' Day, we thought, "Oh, this kid will have a lot of trolling to put up with." So we've decided to give you a headstart in troll training.

You see, kids and adults (only the jerk ones, really) can be mean. In the Philippines, when people find out that your birthday coincides with Halloween or All Saint's Day, you'll hear a lot of jokes. Some funny, some not so much.

So what do you do? You need to own it.

Like me, I was born on September 14, 1985, so my parents probably had a good time before Christmas. Your Aunt Pepper was born on All Saint's Day and she's one of the most unapologetically badass Castillo women I know.

Here's the plan: We will put on costumes (at least the ones allowed) while in labor. SC will wear a Batman mask. First, he wanted me to wear a Chubaca mask that will alter my voice, like this woman here. But we're not big Star Wars fans, so I said I'll just wear cat's ears.

Here's the revised plan: After watching Wonder Woman and realizing that, fuck, they should really show this movie in birthing rooms, I told SC that I'll just ask your LoloDaddy to make me the WW headgear and bracelets.

To psyche me up, I'll save all the fight scenes in the movie and watch it on my phone or a tablet before I give birth. She's now my all-time favorite superhero. And since Wonder Woman is Batman's girlfriend (SC's favorite superhero), it sort of fits.

So why are we doing this? This is because we want you to know that the whole world dressed up (since it's Halloween) to celebrate your birthday. :) And who knows, we'll probably have a superhero-themed birthday party when you turn one.

Again, we love themed parties. It would be amazing to see our family and friends dress up as superheroes and villains. You gotta have style.

Let's see. I still have to get those WW headgear and bracelets.


Update (as of March 29, 2018): Changed my codename from Queen Bitch (QB) to Tiger Mom (TM).

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