[SC] 120 Days Later...

by - March 03, 2018

Dear Peanut,

Happy 4th month, son! Wait, what? It’s been 4 months already? You know what, I don’t really remember because much of it was a blur. Probably due to the few hours of sleep. Yeah so, I think it would be great to discuss the things that we have learned so far in our parental journey.

1. Babies grow up fast. Initially, you were just the size of my forearm. Now, you’re like 17 pounds.  We cannot lift you with one hand anymore. Or maybe because you’re just fat. On the positive side, I get to work out my arms.

2. Breastfeeding is not as straightforward as we thought it would be. From day 1, you never really latched onto your mother. The doctors, nurses, midwives, your grandmothers, and the whole fucking town participated in trying to get you to breastfeed. We all failed miserably, including you.

3. You need to understand why babies cry. Aside from being hungry, which is like 80% of the reason why they do, it could also be that the baby is hot, cold, wet, dirty, bored, sleepy, lonely, scared, or not feeling well. Yeah, but I feel sometimes I have to be a fucking psychic to figure out what you want. I needed to consult a flow chart to keep things smooth and logical. That failed miserably as well.

4. You will be forced to learn new skills. Aside from holding you, I needed to learn a bunch of other things like feeding, bathing, and changing your nappies.  Although I think my favorite skill is trying to put you to sleep. You see, when you are sleeping that’s also the time we get to sleep and do other things. I think I have developed a bunch of dance moves when I’m trying to rock you back to slumberland.  

These are just some of the things that I have personally experienced in your first 120 days. It is tiring, frustrating, and a bit scary. But in general, it is fun and exciting. Mainly because we get to make fun of you and your fat ass can’t do anything about it.  XD


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