[TM] I've Been Called Many Names

by - April 27, 2017

Tokyo Trip, May 2017

I've been called many names. Mean Girl, Queen B (after the spoiled girl in Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf), Bitch, Badass, Mrs.D., and perhaps more that I don't know about. But I've never been called "Mommy" before.

That's why it took me a long time to find an appropriate name for this blog. If I wasn't me, I would have probably named it "Mommy Kath's Blog" and be done with it.

But no...the first time I tried it, I cringed a bit. Peanut, this doesn't mean I don't want you to call me Mommy or Mama. Of course, if you don't call me that I will cry. But...to label myself as Mommy Kath for all eternity isn't something I am comfortable with.

I mean, just because you're already a mother doesn't make you stop being a wife (Mrs.D) or a daughter (Ate) or a friend (QB), and more. Being a mother just becomes the biggest slice of your whole pie.

Am I making sense? By the time you read this, you tell me and I'll judge if you have the same wit as your parents, lol.

I actually thought of naming this blog as "Kath's Kitten" because well, I'm Kath (cat) and you're our kid (kitten), get it? But that requires a lot of explaining and I'll probably get tired of it.

So I named it simply "Kath's Pregnancy Journey" at first until I came up with a better name. Actually, just now SC and I thought of renaming it as "Dear Peanut" because it's shaping up to be a life-long letter to you.

So yeah, Dear Peanut it is. <3


Update (as of April 30, 2017): Renamed this blog as "Dear Peanut." 
Update (as of March 29, 2018): Changed my codename from Queen Bitch (QB) to Tiger Mom (TM).

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