Dear Peanut,
Yeah, so time has come and were 40th weeks in. Technically, the pregnancy should be finished and you will pop out into the world.
A lot of had happened weeks prior to this. First, we found out that we are unable to get the maternity package since there was a test wherein your mother was flagged positive. Now the estimated price of giving birth almost doubled. Goddammit, but on the upside, we get a better room, with TV and a place for me to sleep in though I think it’s still too freaking expensive.
The doctors also advised us to do more walking, especially your mother, to naturally induce labor. I asked her to swim, do squats, and lame ass dancing so the movement will send you further down her cervix.
I even asked her to go to the trampoline park so she can jump her way to giving birth. She experienced some contractions last weekend but it was very mild but we were jumpy about it and tried to observe if it was time. Yeah, nothing happened.
She went to the doctor today to have herself and you checked. Good news is you’re already head down and ready to go. Bad news is your mother’s cervix is far from being dilated as her muscles are too tight due to years of weightlifting and kickboxing. Your mother is the bottleneck of your arrival. Pun intended.
At this point in time, we really can’t do anything but to wait and observe. We need to be on our toes and the mixed cocktail of excitement and anxiety is in the air.
So whatcha waiting for, son? Time to get out into the world and kick ass.