[SC] Do You Even Lift, Baby?

by - August 24, 2017

Dear, Peanut

We went to your doctor today and we are at 30 weeks! Wow, time flies fast, eh?  I think the normal pregnancy is like around 40 weeks, so 10 weeks to go, yeah.

So the doctor ordered to have a checkup every 2 weeks from now on and I can hear our wallets crying already.

Moreover, we still don’t know a lot of things, but yeah we are working on it. We're going to attend some classes on pregnancy, breastfeeding, and all that shit to have an idea about having a child. So it's gonna a be very busy 10 weeks ahead of us.

The doctor gave us a couple of meds necessary for your development. You know, the usual shit, like calcium, iron, and folic acid. She said that, if based on the checkup and if you're not growing bigger, she would recommend amino acids. Then it hit me. The protein shakes I take have amino acids and I wondered if it is possible to make your mother take protein shakes.

I have very good and logical reasons for this.

First, she always feels hungry and keeps raiding our kitchen. Drinking protein shakes will allow her to feel full thus preventing her from eating everything in her path.

Second, of course, it's protein. So it’s good for you and your body will grow big and strong---such that your mother won’t need to exert too much effort in expelling you from her snatch as you can just basically crawl out of it since you're already jacked up from the get-go.

The doctor warned that some protein shakes might have testosterone and the effects could be potentially bad for you. She also mentioned some of the potential side effects such as having a mustache and getting a 6-inch dick when you are born.

Well, I think having a baby mustache and a 6-inch dick would be the shiznit! Though, I think, we would have a hard time fitting you in nappies. XD

So, no protein shakes for your mother then.


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