[SC] Pesky's Revenge
Dear Peanut,
Okay, so we have been staying in our condo for quite some time. Yeah, it’s nice, 3 pools, basketball court, and resort-like vibe. We live on the high-rise floor and our unit has a balcony where you can see the cityscape.
Amidst the all the great stuff that we have in our living quarters, we have had a bit of a problem. You see, there was this one annoying house fly that kept hanging around the house. I think it was about a week or two and it seemed that he never leaves as if he was paying rent. We have tried to get rid of him but after unsuccessful attempts, we have decided that we will take him in. We have named him Pesky The Fly.
Pesky flies around us most of the time and lands on our arms, legs, or whatever body part. We swat him away then he leaves only to come back and annoy us some more. One time, he landed on my face and I slapped myself trying to get rid of him. Your mother laughed and she said that it also happened to her. Stupid fly.
One evening, when we were about to sleep, I saw Pesky lounging around the bedroom. I got my trusty slipper and swatted him with lightning fast speed. Finally, Pesky fell. I saw his lifeless body at the back of the nightstand and decided to leave it there. I thought your mother would be glad that Pesky is gone but for some reason, she wasn’t very happy about me leaving Pesky’s body to decompose inside the house.
It’s actually not a bit deal but knowing your mother, she makes a big deal about small things, like a house fly. Then she went on ranting about cleanliness and other unrelated stuff that her woman brain tells her to say. I can’t believe it she is seriously upset about a fucking house fly.
Then it dawned me, Pesky, with his dying breath has cursed me, made my wife upset just to troll me one last time. Damn you, Pesky, well played.
Wherever you are, I hope you have all the trash that you can eat, shit and hangout with all your house fly friends. I hope when you look down from fly heaven, you can see me from my balcony raising my middle finger to you. I’ll never forget you, Pesky, mostly because you owe me 3 weeks of rent, you freeloading shit bag.
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